学校法人 大阪滋慶学園 滋慶医療科学大学



雨海 照祥Teruyoshi Amagai

教授:雨海 照祥



医学博士/医師免許、日本小児外科学会 名誉指導医




日本人間健康栄養協会顧問、アメリカ静脈経腸栄養学会誌(Nutrition in Clinical Practice)編集委員、日本小児外科学会会員、厚生労働省「日本人の食事摂取基準(2020年版)」策定検討会構成員、厚生労働省「日本人の食事摂取基準(2015年版)」策定検討会構成員、2021年~現在まで武庫川女子大学客員教授


  • 男性臨床栄養学.医歯薬出版「臨床栄養学」隔月で連載中。
  • 「Dr雨海の女性臨床栄養学」,(単著)医歯薬出版,2021.
  • 「すべての診療科に役立つ栄養学と食事・栄養療法」(共著)羊土社,32-39,2019.
  • 「Dr雨海のスーパー栄養クリニックーバーチャルNSTで学ぶスキルアップ栄養ケア」(単著)医歯薬出版,2018(改訂版),2005(第1版).
  • 「新版 栄養・運動で予防するサルコペニア-サルコペニア診療ガイドライン2017年度版準拠」(監修・共著)医歯薬出版,6-14,112-125,131-149,2018.
  • 「栄養力UP NST症例集(5)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2015.
  • 「栄養力UP NST症例集(4)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2014.
  • 「フレイル-超高齢社会における最重要課題と予防戦略」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,7-17,31-32,48-57,63-65,2014.
  • 「高齢者の糖尿病と栄養」(共著)フジメディカル出版,123-126,134-135,2014.
  • 「JCNセレクト9 小児の臨床栄養 -エビデンスとトピックス」(共著・編集)医歯薬出版,8-14,20-30,94-96,2014.
  • 「新基礎栄養学 第8版」(共著)医歯薬出版,170-183,2013.
  • 「栄養・運動で予防するサルコペニア」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,6-15,96-115,131-132,2013.
  • 「サルコペニアの摂食・嚥下障害-リハビリテーション栄養の可能性と実践」(共著)医歯薬出版,8-19,2012.
  • 「新臨床栄養学(第2版)」(共著)医学書院,255-263,271-283,2012.
  • 「JCNセレクト7 薬物-飲食物相互作用」(共著・編集)医歯薬出版,116-121,2012.
  • 「高齢者の栄養スクリーニングツール MNAガイドブック」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,1-3,13,25-33,47-59,65,76-77,92-96,2011.
  • 「栄養力UP NST症例集(3)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2011.
  • 「JCNセレクト2 栄養アセスメント」(共著)医歯薬出版,2-11,81-96,103-107,111-117,2010.
  • 「日本臨床:静脈・経腸栄養(第3版)基礎・臨床研究のアップデート」(共著)日本臨林社,397-403,2010.
  • 「NSTハンドブック 疾患・病態別の栄養管理-理論と実践」(共著)医薬ジャーナル社,397-403,2008.
  • 「新臨床栄養学(第1版)」(共著)医学書院,212-218,2007.
  • 「経腸栄養バイブル」(共著)日本医事新報社,6-10,2007.


  • Yonemitsu K, Fujita Y, Amagai T. An Isolated Mesenteric Hematoma Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma - Case Report and Literature Review. Trauma Case Reports. 2024. 54. 101104. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.) (CiteScore 0.6)
  • Sakamoto T, Nakagawa Y, Fukuda Y, Amagai A. The blood flow velocity in the celiac artery during the expiratory phase is faster than during the inspiratory phase.Am J Case Rep, 2024; 25: e945253 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.945253. https://www.amjcaserep.com/abstract/index/idArt/945253 (IF = 1.0)
  • Miyata H, Tsunou A, Hokotachi Y, Amagai, T. A Novel Facet of In-Hospital Food Consumption associated with Hospital Mortality in patients with scheduled admission - Addition of a Study Protocol to test the existence of effects of COVID-19 in the same study in the post-COVID-19 period –. Nutrients 2024, 16, 2327. https:// doi.org/10.3390/nu16142327 (IF= 4.8) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sakamoto T, Asano K, Miyata H, Amagai T. Meals in Shelters During Noto Peninsula Earthquakes are deficient in energy and protein for older adults vulnerable to the disaster: Challenges and Responses. Nutrients 2024, 16(12), 1904; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16121904 (IF = 5.9)
  • Miyata H, Tsunou A, Hokotachi Y, Amagai T. Daily Food Deprivation as a Predictor of in-Hospital Mortality with 75% Cutoff. J Food Nutr. 2024;10:1-13. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Umemoto S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Intussusception as a Presentation of Anisakis Infestation in the Global Era of Raw Fish Consumption: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2024; 16(2): e55232. DOI 10.7759/cureus.55232. (IF= 1.2) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Tsunou A, Miyata H, Hokotachi Y, Horiuchi I, Amagai T. Prognostic nutritional index as a determinant of the presence of osteoporosis instead of serum vitamin D levels in adult male patients with neurological impairment. J Clin Transl Res. 2024; 10(1): 85-92 (IF= 0.674)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sakamoto T, Mizuta H, Niiro N, Amagai T. Retrospective study to reduce blood transfusion waste in remote island healthcare settings. Advances in Hematology.2023. Article ID:5549655. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/5549655. (IF = 0.43)
  • Matsuoka N, Kimura T, Endo Y, Hamaguchi M, Yoshitaka Ogata, Uryu K, Murao Y, Amagai T. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Due to Invasive Coloproctitis Caused by Group G Streptococcus: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2023, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.48589. ( IF = 1.2) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sakamoto T, Mizuta H, Amagai T. Persistent rash associated with multiple pulmonary nodules. Eur J Intern Med, 2023, Oct 18:S0953-6205(23)00366-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.10.011. Online ahead of print. (IF = 7.749)
  • Hosaka S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A Useful Modality of CT Angiography Image to Identify Medical Emergency in Isolated Celiac Artery Dissection Type I - A Case Report with Longest Follow-up and Literature Review . Radiol Case Reports. 2023; 18: 4294-8.(IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sakamoto T, Suzuki H, Machida T, Nishimura H, Noguchi Y, Amagai T. Victim Profiles and revealed issues of Type 1 Emergency Medical Team in the First Minutes of a Mega Earthquake in Turkey. Am J Disaster Med.2023: 18 (1): 5-15. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Maeda H, Fujita Y, Amagai, T. Using temporal changes in MR images to determine treatment options for complex liver cysts. Radiol Case Reports. 2023;18:3122-6.  (IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sato F, Uramoto S, Amagai T. Teardrop Owl Eye Appearance in Enhanced MDCT for Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy with Tubal Rupture. Radiol Case Reports. 2023;18:2577-80.(IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Haraoka Y, Ota S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Useful classification of intussusception for preoperative 3D-MDCT images, type M or W: A case report and a novel classification. Radiol Case Reports. 2023; 18: 452-5.(IF= 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Matsuo T, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Prognostic Nutritional Index as Outcome Predictor in Patients with Iliopsoas Abscess. Medicine(Baltimore). 2022; 101(43): e31256. (IF=1.817)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Yoshizawa Y, Hirashima O, Uramoto S, Amagai T. Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema due to acute respiratory distress syndrome after status epilepticus. J Neurosci Rural Prac. 2022. doi: 10.25259/JNRP-2022-5-21.(IF= 0.730)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sakamoto T, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Task appeared in COVID-19 pandemic when tele-healthcare saved neurological lives in rural area- case reports and literature review. J Neurosci Rural Prac. 2022. doi: 10.25259/JNRP-2022-5-28. (IF= 0.730)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Yamada H, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Ingested fish bone causing cervical esophageal perforation with evaluation of critical anatomy by CT: a case report. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 3847-50. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Inada Y, Hattori S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A cancer-related analgesia as prolonging strategy of surviving time after failure of adjuvant chemotherapy in patient with progressive bone-metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2022; 13: 394-9. (IF = 0.625)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Yamada K, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A radiological footprint equivalent to liquefactive necrosis observed in the course of disappearing liver metastasis in rectal cancer: A case report and review of literature. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 2583-8. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Sane S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Successful preoperative identification of fish bone causing appendicitis using 3-dimentional multidetector-CT. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 577-80. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Izumiya R, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A case of influenza-associated invasive aspergillosis with cerebral hemorrhage due to infectious vasculopathy. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 326-31. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Schwartz DB, Barrocas A, Annetta MG, Stratton K, McGinnis C, Hardy G, Wong T, Arenas D, Turon-Findley MP, Kliger RG, Corkins KG, Mirtallo J, Amagai T, Guenter P; ASPEN International Clinical Ethics Position Paper Update Workgroup. Ethical Aspects of Artificially Administered Nutrition and Hydration: An ASPEN Position Paper.Nutr Clin Pract. 2021 Apr;36(2):254-267. (IF = 3.080)
  • Nishi R, Fujita Y,Amagai T: A Staged operation as Surgical Strategy for Patient with Type Ⅵ Isolated Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2021; 15: 175-9.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Tanabe A, Fujita Y, Amagai T:A Hyperechoic Bladder-Ring Appearance As Pathognomonic finding for Emphysematous Cystitis – A case report and literature review. Radiol Case Reports. 2021; 16: 2457-9.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Kurokawa N, Kai C, Hokotachi Y, Hasegawa M, Amagai T:Determination of the cut-off point of the Functional Independence Measure as a predictor of adverse events in patients with acute stroke.J Int Med Res 46(10):4235-45,2018.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Kitagawa M, Haji S, Amagai T:Elevated Serum AA/EPA Ratio as a Predictor of Skeletal Muscle Depletion in Cachexic Patients with Advanced Gastro-intestinal Cancers.In Vivo.31(5):1003-1009,2017.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Kitagawa M, Haji S, Amagai T:High Serum Essential Amino Acids as a Predictor of Skeletal Muscle Depletion in Patients With Cachexia and Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancers.Nutr Clin Pract 32(5):645-651,2017.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Ichimaru S, Sono M, Seo R, Ariyoshi K, Amagai T:Energy intake in the first week in an emergency intensive care unit may not influence clinical outcomes in critically ill, overweight Japanese patients.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 26(6):1016-1020,2017.
  • Amagai T, Ichimaru S, Tai M, Ejiri Y, Muto A:Nutrition in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster.Nutr Clin Pract 29(5):585-94,2014.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Ichimaru S, Fujiwara H, Amagai T, Atsumi T:Low energy intake during the first week in an emergency intensive care unit is associated with reduced duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill, underweight patients: a single-center retrospective chart review.Nutr Clin Pract 29(3):368-79,2014.
  • Nishida N, Sasaki M, Kurihara M, Ichimaru S, Wakita M, Bamba S, Andoh A, Fujiyama Y, Amagai T:Changes of energy metabolism, nutritional status and serum cytokine levels in patients with Crohn's disease after anti-tumor necrosis factor-α therapy.J Clin Biochem Nutr 53(2):122-127,2013.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Wakita M, Wakayama A, Omori Y, Ichimaru S, Amagai T:Impact of energy intake on the survival rate of patients with severely ill stroke.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 22(3):474-481,2013.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Ichimaru S, Amagai T, Shiro Y:The application of a feeding protocol in older patients fed through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes by the intermittent or bolus methods: a single-center, retrospective chart review.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 22(2):229-34,2013.
  • Ichimaru S, Amagai T, Wakita M, Shiro Y:Which is more effective to prevent enteral nutrition-related complications, high- or medium-viscosity thickened enteral formula in patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy?: a single-center retrospective chart review.Nutr Clin Pract 27(4):545-552,2012.(Corresponding author)
  • Wakita M, Matsui H, Ichimaru S, Amagai T:Determinant Factors of the Viscosity of Enteral Formula-Basic Analysis of the Thickened Enteral Formula-.Nutr Clin Pract 27(1):82-90,2012.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Yanai T, Urita Y, Amagai T, Kawakami H, Watayo H, Masuko T, Matsuda S, Hirai M, Muraji T, Hamada H:Long-term survival with cloacal dysgenesis sequence.Pediatr Surg Int 28(1):107-110,2012.
  • Wakita M, Fukatsu A, Amagai T:Nutrition Assessment as a Predictor of Clinical Outcomes for Infants With Cardiac Surgery: Using the Prognostic Nutritional Index.Nutr Clin Pract 26:192-198,2011.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Fukatsu A, Matsuoka M, Amagai T:Effect of a high density of formula on growth and safety in congenital heart disease infants. e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.e-SPEN, Eur e-Journal ClinNutr Metab 5:281-283,2010.
  • Komuro H, Hori T, Amagai T, Hirai M, Yotsumoto K, Urita Y, Gotoh C, Kaneko M:The etiologic role of intrauterine volvulus and intussusception in jejunoileal atresia.J Pediatr Surg 39:1812-1814,2004.
  • Komuro H, Amagai T, Hori T, Hirai M, Matoba K, Watanabe M, Kaneko M:Placental vascular compromise in jejunoileal atresia.J Pediatr Surg 39:1701-1705,2004.
  • Amagai T, Mouri T, Kirii K, Hori T, Kaneko M, Ohkawa H:Clinical significance of measurement of resting energy expenditure in childhood.Clin & Experimental Pharmacol & Physiol 29(suppl):S19-22,2002.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Amagai T, Mouri T, Ohkawa H, Nishi I:An accuracy of flow and sensor of indirect calorimetry for neonates and infants.- Using Mass Spectrometry and Pneumotachogram-.Clin & Experimental Pharmacol & Physiol 29(suppl):S7-8,2002.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
  • Amagai T, Kaneko M, Hori T, Kirii K:Hypoleptinemia associated with Hypermetabolism, Low Adiposity Body Composition and Overeating behavior in Children with Post-operative Jaundiced Biliary Atresia.J Human-Environmental System 5(1):43-49,2001.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
