- 職位
- 教授
- 学位・資格
- 医学博士/医師免許、日本小児外科学会 名誉指導医
- 専門領域・分野
- 臨床栄養学、生活習慣病、小児外科学
- 担当科目
- 現代社会と保健・医療・福祉、病理学、医学概論、臨床医学Ⅱ・Ⅲ、臨床実習、専門ゼミⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ
日本人間健康栄養協会顧問、アメリカ静脈経腸栄養学会誌(Nutrition in Clinical Practice)編集委員、日本小児外科学会会員、厚生労働省「日本人の食事摂取基準(2020年版)」策定検討会構成員、厚生労働省「日本人の食事摂取基準(2015年版)」策定検討会構成員、2021年~現在まで武庫川女子大学客員教授
- 男性臨床栄養学.医歯薬出版「臨床栄養学」隔月で連載中。
- 「Dr雨海の女性臨床栄養学」,(単著)医歯薬出版,2021.
- 「すべての診療科に役立つ栄養学と食事・栄養療法」(共著)羊土社,32-39,2019.
- 「Dr雨海のスーパー栄養クリニックーバーチャルNSTで学ぶスキルアップ栄養ケア」(単著)医歯薬出版,2018(改訂版),2005(第1版).
- 「新版 栄養・運動で予防するサルコペニア-サルコペニア診療ガイドライン2017年度版準拠」(監修・共著)医歯薬出版,6-14,112-125,131-149,2018.
- 「栄養力UP NST症例集(5)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2015.
- 「栄養力UP NST症例集(4)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2014.
- 「フレイル-超高齢社会における最重要課題と予防戦略」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,7-17,31-32,48-57,63-65,2014.
- 「高齢者の糖尿病と栄養」(共著)フジメディカル出版,123-126,134-135,2014.
- 「JCNセレクト9 小児の臨床栄養 -エビデンスとトピックス」(共著・編集)医歯薬出版,8-14,20-30,94-96,2014.
- 「新基礎栄養学 第8版」(共著)医歯薬出版,170-183,2013.
- 「栄養・運動で予防するサルコペニア」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,6-15,96-115,131-132,2013.
- 「サルコペニアの摂食・嚥下障害-リハビリテーション栄養の可能性と実践」(共著)医歯薬出版,8-19,2012.
- 「新臨床栄養学(第2版)」(共著)医学書院,255-263,271-283,2012.
- 「JCNセレクト7 薬物-飲食物相互作用」(共著・編集)医歯薬出版,116-121,2012.
- 「高齢者の栄養スクリーニングツール MNAガイドブック」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,1-3,13,25-33,47-59,65,76-77,92-96,2011.
- 「栄養力UP NST症例集(3)」(共著・監修)医歯薬出版,2011.
- 「JCNセレクト2 栄養アセスメント」(共著)医歯薬出版,2-11,81-96,103-107,111-117,2010.
- 「日本臨床:静脈・経腸栄養(第3版)基礎・臨床研究のアップデート」(共著)日本臨林社,397-403,2010.
- 「NSTハンドブック 疾患・病態別の栄養管理-理論と実践」(共著)医薬ジャーナル社,397-403,2008.
- 「新臨床栄養学(第1版)」(共著)医学書院,212-218,2007.
- 「経腸栄養バイブル」(共著)日本医事新報社,6-10,2007.
- Sakamoto T, Amagai T. A case of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Caused by a Humidifier. Diagnosis and Management in Rural practice. J Rural Med. 2024, In Press.
- Miyata H, Matsumura K, akase T, Sugimoto K, Funauchi Y, Yagi E, Yoshida A, Kajihara K, Iwanaga T, Amagai T, Nakazawa G. Clinical Importance of Protein Intake in Hospitalized Elderly Patients With Heart Failure. Circulation Rep. 2025;7(1):47-54. (IF = 3.1)
- Sakamoto T, Miyata H, Tsunou A, Hokotachi Y, Sasaki S, Amagai T. Amino Acid and Essential Fatty Acid in Evacuation Shelter Food in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Comparison with the 2024 Simultaneous National Survey in Japan. Nutrients. 2024, 16, 4185. hpps://doi.org/10.3390/nu16234185 . (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.) (IF = 4.8)
- Yonemitsu K, Fujita Y, Amagai T. An Isolated Mesenteric Hematoma Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma - Case Report and Literature Review. Trauma Case Reports. 2024. 54. 101104. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.) (CiteScore 0.6)
- Sakamoto T, Nakagawa Y, Fukuda Y, Amagai A. The blood flow velocity in the celiac artery during the expiratory phase is faster than during the inspiratory phase.Am J Case Rep, 2024; 25: e945253 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.945253. https://www.amjcaserep.com/abstract/index/idArt/945253 (IF = 1.0)
- Miyata H, Tsunou A, Hokotachi Y, Amagai, T. A Novel Facet of In-Hospital Food Consumption associated with Hospital Mortality in patients with scheduled admission - Addition of a Study Protocol to test the existence of effects of COVID-19 in the same study in the post-COVID-19 period –. Nutrients 2024, 16, 2327. https:// doi.org/10.3390/nu16142327 (IF= 4.8) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sakamoto T, Asano K, Miyata H, Amagai T. Meals in Shelters During Noto Peninsula Earthquakes are deficient in energy and protein for older adults vulnerable to the disaster: Challenges and Responses. Nutrients 2024, 16(12), 1904; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16121904 (IF = 5.9)
- Miyata H, Tsunou A, Hokotachi Y, Amagai T. Daily Food Deprivation as a Predictor of in-Hospital Mortality with 75% Cutoff. J Food Nutr. 2024;10:1-13. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Umemoto S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Intussusception as a Presentation of Anisakis Infestation in the Global Era of Raw Fish Consumption: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2024; 16(2): e55232. DOI 10.7759/cureus.55232. (IF= 1.2) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Tsunou A, Miyata H, Hokotachi Y, Horiuchi I, Amagai T. Prognostic nutritional index as a determinant of the presence of osteoporosis instead of serum vitamin D levels in adult male patients with neurological impairment. J Clin Transl Res. 2024; 10(1): 85-92 (IF= 0.674)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sakamoto T, Mizuta H, Niiro N, Amagai T. Retrospective study to reduce blood transfusion waste in remote island healthcare settings. Advances in Hematology.2023. Article ID:5549655. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/5549655. (IF = 0.43)
- Matsuoka N, Kimura T, Endo Y, Hamaguchi M, Yoshitaka Ogata, Uryu K, Murao Y, Amagai T. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Due to Invasive Coloproctitis Caused by Group G Streptococcus: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2023, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.48589. ( IF = 1.2) (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sakamoto T, Mizuta H, Amagai T. Persistent rash associated with multiple pulmonary nodules. Eur J Intern Med, 2023, Oct 18:S0953-6205(23)00366-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.10.011. Online ahead of print. (IF = 7.749)
- Hosaka S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A Useful Modality of CT Angiography Image to Identify Medical Emergency in Isolated Celiac Artery Dissection Type I - A Case Report with Longest Follow-up and Literature Review . Radiol Case Reports. 2023; 18: 4294-8.(IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sakamoto T, Suzuki H, Machida T, Nishimura H, Noguchi Y, Amagai T. Victim Profiles and revealed issues of Type 1 Emergency Medical Team in the First Minutes of a Mega Earthquake in Turkey. Am J Disaster Med.2023: 18 (1): 5-15. (Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Maeda H, Fujita Y, Amagai, T. Using temporal changes in MR images to determine treatment options for complex liver cysts. Radiol Case Reports. 2023;18:3122-6. (IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sato F, Uramoto S, Amagai T. Teardrop Owl Eye Appearance in Enhanced MDCT for Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy with Tubal Rupture. Radiol Case Reports. 2023;18:2577-80.(IF=0.83)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Haraoka Y, Ota S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Useful classification of intussusception for preoperative 3D-MDCT images, type M or W: A case report and a novel classification. Radiol Case Reports. 2023; 18: 452-5.(IF= 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Matsuo T, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Prognostic Nutritional Index as Outcome Predictor in Patients with Iliopsoas Abscess. Medicine(Baltimore). 2022; 101(43): e31256. (IF=1.817)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Yoshizawa Y, Hirashima O, Uramoto S, Amagai T. Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema due to acute respiratory distress syndrome after status epilepticus. J Neurosci Rural Prac. 2022. doi: 10.25259/JNRP-2022-5-21.(IF= 0.730)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sakamoto T, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Task appeared in COVID-19 pandemic when tele-healthcare saved neurological lives in rural area- case reports and literature review. J Neurosci Rural Prac. 2022. doi: 10.25259/JNRP-2022-5-28. (IF= 0.730)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Yamada H, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Ingested fish bone causing cervical esophageal perforation with evaluation of critical anatomy by CT: a case report. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 3847-50. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Inada Y, Hattori S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A cancer-related analgesia as prolonging strategy of surviving time after failure of adjuvant chemotherapy in patient with progressive bone-metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2022; 13: 394-9. (IF = 0.625)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Yamada K, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A radiological footprint equivalent to liquefactive necrosis observed in the course of disappearing liver metastasis in rectal cancer: A case report and review of literature. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 2583-8. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Sane S, Fujita Y, Amagai T. Successful preoperative identification of fish bone causing appendicitis using 3-dimentional multidetector-CT. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 577-80. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Izumiya R, Fujita Y, Amagai T. A case of influenza-associated invasive aspergillosis with cerebral hemorrhage due to infectious vasculopathy. Radiol Case Reports. 2022; 17: 326-31. (IF = 0.651)(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Schwartz DB, Barrocas A, Annetta MG, Stratton K, McGinnis C, Hardy G, Wong T, Arenas D, Turon-Findley MP, Kliger RG, Corkins KG, Mirtallo J, Amagai T, Guenter P; ASPEN International Clinical Ethics Position Paper Update Workgroup. Ethical Aspects of Artificially Administered Nutrition and Hydration: An ASPEN Position Paper.Nutr Clin Pract. 2021 Apr;36(2):254-267. (IF = 3.080)
- Nishi R, Fujita Y,Amagai T: A Staged operation as Surgical Strategy for Patient with Type Ⅵ Isolated Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2021; 15: 175-9.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Tanabe A, Fujita Y, Amagai T:A Hyperechoic Bladder-Ring Appearance As Pathognomonic finding for Emphysematous Cystitis – A case report and literature review. Radiol Case Reports. 2021; 16: 2457-9.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Kurokawa N, Kai C, Hokotachi Y, Hasegawa M, Amagai T:Determination of the cut-off point of the Functional Independence Measure as a predictor of adverse events in patients with acute stroke.J Int Med Res 46(10):4235-45,2018.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Kitagawa M, Haji S, Amagai T:Elevated Serum AA/EPA Ratio as a Predictor of Skeletal Muscle Depletion in Cachexic Patients with Advanced Gastro-intestinal Cancers.In Vivo.31(5):1003-1009,2017.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Kitagawa M, Haji S, Amagai T:High Serum Essential Amino Acids as a Predictor of Skeletal Muscle Depletion in Patients With Cachexia and Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancers.Nutr Clin Pract 32(5):645-651,2017.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Ichimaru S, Sono M, Seo R, Ariyoshi K, Amagai T:Energy intake in the first week in an emergency intensive care unit may not influence clinical outcomes in critically ill, overweight Japanese patients.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 26(6):1016-1020,2017.
- Amagai T, Ichimaru S, Tai M, Ejiri Y, Muto A:Nutrition in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster.Nutr Clin Pract 29(5):585-94,2014.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Ichimaru S, Fujiwara H, Amagai T, Atsumi T:Low energy intake during the first week in an emergency intensive care unit is associated with reduced duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill, underweight patients: a single-center retrospective chart review.Nutr Clin Pract 29(3):368-79,2014.
- Nishida N, Sasaki M, Kurihara M, Ichimaru S, Wakita M, Bamba S, Andoh A, Fujiyama Y, Amagai T:Changes of energy metabolism, nutritional status and serum cytokine levels in patients with Crohn's disease after anti-tumor necrosis factor-α therapy.J Clin Biochem Nutr 53(2):122-127,2013.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Wakita M, Wakayama A, Omori Y, Ichimaru S, Amagai T:Impact of energy intake on the survival rate of patients with severely ill stroke.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 22(3):474-481,2013.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Ichimaru S, Amagai T, Shiro Y:The application of a feeding protocol in older patients fed through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes by the intermittent or bolus methods: a single-center, retrospective chart review.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 22(2):229-34,2013.
- Ichimaru S, Amagai T, Wakita M, Shiro Y:Which is more effective to prevent enteral nutrition-related complications, high- or medium-viscosity thickened enteral formula in patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy?: a single-center retrospective chart review.Nutr Clin Pract 27(4):545-552,2012.(Corresponding author)
- Wakita M, Matsui H, Ichimaru S, Amagai T:Determinant Factors of the Viscosity of Enteral Formula-Basic Analysis of the Thickened Enteral Formula-.Nutr Clin Pract 27(1):82-90,2012.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Yanai T, Urita Y, Amagai T, Kawakami H, Watayo H, Masuko T, Matsuda S, Hirai M, Muraji T, Hamada H:Long-term survival with cloacal dysgenesis sequence.Pediatr Surg Int 28(1):107-110,2012.
- Wakita M, Fukatsu A, Amagai T:Nutrition Assessment as a Predictor of Clinical Outcomes for Infants With Cardiac Surgery: Using the Prognostic Nutritional Index.Nutr Clin Pract 26:192-198,2011.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Fukatsu A, Matsuoka M, Amagai T:Effect of a high density of formula on growth and safety in congenital heart disease infants. e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.e-SPEN, Eur e-Journal ClinNutr Metab 5:281-283,2010.
- Komuro H, Hori T, Amagai T, Hirai M, Yotsumoto K, Urita Y, Gotoh C, Kaneko M:The etiologic role of intrauterine volvulus and intussusception in jejunoileal atresia.J Pediatr Surg 39:1812-1814,2004.
- Komuro H, Amagai T, Hori T, Hirai M, Matoba K, Watanabe M, Kaneko M:Placental vascular compromise in jejunoileal atresia.J Pediatr Surg 39:1701-1705,2004.
- Amagai T, Mouri T, Kirii K, Hori T, Kaneko M, Ohkawa H:Clinical significance of measurement of resting energy expenditure in childhood.Clin & Experimental Pharmacol & Physiol 29(suppl):S19-22,2002.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Amagai T, Mouri T, Ohkawa H, Nishi I:An accuracy of flow and sensor of indirect calorimetry for neonates and infants.- Using Mass Spectrometry and Pneumotachogram-.Clin & Experimental Pharmacol & Physiol 29(suppl):S7-8,2002.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)
- Amagai T, Kaneko M, Hori T, Kirii K:Hypoleptinemia associated with Hypermetabolism, Low Adiposity Body Composition and Overeating behavior in Children with Post-operative Jaundiced Biliary Atresia.J Human-Environmental System 5(1):43-49,2001.(Corresponding author:責任筆者 Amagai T.)